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Altar Servers
Altar Servers help the congregation in their prayer and worship of God by assisting the priest at Mass. The care and attention altar servers show to their ministry add to the reverence and beauty of our liturgies. An Altar Server must at least be 10 years old or on the 5th grade and must be able to receive the Eucharist.
During Mass each altar server has different responsibilities: The Thurifer handles the thurible and incense that is used during the procession into the Church and the recessional out of the Church; the Crucifer carries the processional cross at the beginning and end of Mass; they hold the Roman Missal, the book with the prayers for Mass, for the priest during the Opening Prayer and the Prayer after Communion; they prepare the altar and help the priest bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar as the cantor sings the Offertory Hymn and they assist the priest in washing his hands with water as he says the prayer asking God to make him worthy to offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist.
Please fill the registration form below to get more information about serving in this ministry.
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