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THANK YOU for your continuous support of our parishes. The extraordinary work of our parishes is made possible by the generosity of parishioners like you.
“Teach us to give and not to count the cost.”
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Our weekly offering at Mass is an expression of our gratitude for the blessings that God has given us. It is also an opportunity for us to return a portion of these blessings back to God for use by His Church.
It is through the offertory that our parishes receive the primary means of financial support. This support assists parishes not only with their operational needs, but also with their maintenance and missional needs, and ensures that they are reaching out to their communities as effectively as possible.
Sunday Offering Envelopes
At the beginning of the calendar year, registered parishioners get a box of numbered envelopes in which they can place cash or a cheque every Sunday of the year, and when special collections are taken up as well. If you cannot make it to any of the Masses with your offering envelope, there is a drop box by the door to the Parish Office where you may drop your envelopes during weekdays.
Interac/ eTransfer
We have email addresses for Interac/e-Transfer donations for three of our parishes -- St. James, Our Lady of the Valley (OLOV), and St. Benedict. Donations will be automatically deposited directly in the parish bank account according to the e-mail address that you send to when the transfer is made so a password is NOT required to make the transfer.
When you are sending Interac donations please send them to one of the following e-mail addresses:
There is NO FEE for the parish for this service.
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
We are delighted to offer you with an opportunity to make your monthly contributions through a “direct debit” program that allows you to support our parish through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account. Once a month your donation is electronically transferred to the Parish. PAD replaces the traditional Sunday Offering envelopes! If you choose to do this, you will still be assigned envelopes for the periodic special collections.
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