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Fill the Valley
Everyone is welcome to Fill the Valley! Come as you are! Admission is Free!
On Thursday, December 5th, we celebrate ADVENT with hearts filled with joy and excitement! Join us in celebrating the arrival of the king through an evening of praise, prayer, and music.
Come, let us adore Him!
Come and join us every first Thursday of the month for an uplifting evening of music, prayer, and community at Our Lady of the Valley Church. Let us come together to adore the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament by offering praise and worship with joyfully reverent spirits.
Every month, we shine the spotlight on the traditional monthly devotions of the Catholic Church through the songs we select. On December 5th we celebrate ADVENT. Along with our usual songs for Adoration, we will be singing the following:
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Draw Me Close
Make Room
Check out the playlist we'll put together (coming to this space soon) so you can get familiar with the songs; we would love for you to lift your voices with ours and to celebrate the goodness of God together! We can't wait to see you there!
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